Nitrate content in strawberry cashew (fragaria x ananassa duch.) Grown in semihidropônico systems and organic


  • Liziane Cassia Carlesso Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina - UNOESC
  • Cristiano Reschke Lajus Unochapecó
  • Gean Lopes da Luz Unochapecó
  • Fabiana Casarin



Pseudofrutos de morango, Sistemas de cultivo, Teor de nitrato.


This study aimed to evaluate the nitrate content in strawberry cashew grown in semihidropônico and organic systems. The samples of strawberry cashew fruits were collected in 02 outlets in Chapecó/SC, between 24/03/15 and 03/28/15. 10 samples of strawberry cashew plants produced in semihidropônico system and 10 samples of strawberry cashew produced in organic system were collected. In each of the two samples were selected fruits from each sample with approximately 25 to 30 g and immediately frozen at -5°C. At the


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Author Biographies

Liziane Cassia Carlesso, Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina - UNOESC


Cristiano Reschke Lajus, Unochapecó


Gean Lopes da Luz, Unochapecó


Fabiana Casarin



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How to Cite

Carlesso, L. C., Lajus, C. R., da Luz, G. L., & Casarin, F. (2021). Nitrate content in strawberry cashew (fragaria x ananassa duch.) Grown in semihidropônico systems and organic. Arquivos Brasileiros De Alimentação, 2(3), 189–196.


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