Inulin-enriched pumpkin based dairy formula: nutritional effects and rat intestinal morphology
Suplemento dietético, Perfil lipídico, Morfologia, IntestinoAbstract
Nutritional effects and rat intestinal morphology were studied using an inulin and pumpkin flakes based dairy formula. The animals, male Winstar albino rats, were randomly divided into two groups of 12: casein pattern (GC) and experimental — GM+FAI, modified by the addition of 6% of the pumpkin flakes based dairy formula enriched with 3% inulin —, for 63 days. The evaluation was made through the following parameters: body weight, food ingestion, feeding efficiency, carcass fat, biochemical rates (total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides) and histological and morphological essays of rat intestines. Data were submitted to Student’s t-test and variance analysis (ANOVA), both at 5% significance level, with “Statistica for Windows 6.0” software. Results demonstrate that the GM+FAI group showed significantly higher body weight gain, food ingestion and carcass fat, but no significant differences of lipidic profile. Regarding histological and morphometric analysis, there were significant differences (p > 0.05) between the two groups. Data from this study indicate that despite the low inulin percentage added, the combination to carotenoids resulted in benefic modifications on the nutrition and intestinal morphology of rats.
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