Cultural resistance and gastronomy: literature review


  • Mikel Maller Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro - RJ
  • Raphaela Coutinho
  • Victor Ragazzi Isaac Centro Universitário Senac (SENAC), Campos do Jordão - SP



Gastronomia, Revisão de literatura


Human nutrition is not understood only based on nutritional and biological indicators, but “the behavior related to food reveals the culture in which each one is inserted”. In this view cuisine would be the last to be denationalized, proving to be a clear act of cultural resistance, as “food and identity create and maintain a permanent articulation”. The current study aims, from the systematic review, to evidence the theoretical scientific evolution in Cultural Resistance from the perspective of Gastronomy. The descriptors used in the research were: Cultural Resistance, Gastronomy, Gastronomy and Culture. The research was conducted during the months of May, June and July 2017. Articles published between 2000 and 2015 that were indexed in Qualis were analyzed, according to the CAPES classification. In total, 16 scientific articles were selected, which followed an analysis script consisting of methodological precepts. The results show that all articles analyzed adopted the qualitative methodology. Finally, after reading each of the articles, a categorical systematization of the results was carried out, with the aim of scrutinizing the findings of each of the articles. The study showed that there was an evolution and notoriety in the last years in the researched theme. However, it should be noted that due to the short time span of the research, it is not possible to work with a larger number of journals, which may have influenced the results. As a suggestion for future studies, it is recommended that the number of analyzed journals be increased, through the insertion of international journals, making a comparison between research carried out in the Brazilian and international scope.


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Author Biographies

Mikel Maller, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Instituto Nutes de Educação em Ciências e Saúde.

Raphaela Coutinho


Victor Ragazzi Isaac, Centro Universitário Senac (SENAC), Campos do Jordão - SP

Professor Dr. do Curso de Graduação em Tecnologia de Tecnologia em Gastronomia.


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How to Cite

Maller, M., Coutinho, R., & Isaac, V. R. (2021). Cultural resistance and gastronomy: literature review. Arquivos Brasileiros De Alimentação, 4(2), 384–397.



